Sunday, September 25, 2011

Navarrette on Perry and Immigration

Ruben Navarrete Jr. is a Latino columnist who bases the majority of his work on questions of ethnicity. His recent commentary discusses Rick Perry’s stance on immigration. The article reads “Perrystarts an honest immigration conversation.” The incorporation of the word “honest” in the title immediately directs Navarrete’s audience to take a hopeful stance on what follows. The article continues to speak on behalf of Perry and against the defective image his former Republicans and Latinos have of him.
As evidence of Perry’s good intentions, Navarrete points out the bill signed by Perry in 2001 which allows illegal immigrants attending a Texas university of college to pay in-state tuition. While critics accuse Perry of being “soft” on immigration issues, Navarrete defends him, stating he has had the courage to challenge a subject everyone else approaches with a “frightening mixture of dishonesty and ignorance.” Navarrete seems to be making the argument that Perry, through the passing of one bill, has provided enough evidence of his legitimacy. To strengthen his point, the author quotes Perry in the CNN debate where he defends illegal college students, saying it is only fair, and “the American way.”
Navarrete’s support for Perry is incredible and goes as far as to credit solely him for attempting to solve the immigration issue, while completely disregarding the efforts made by others, including Democrats. Evidence of Perry’s attempts is limited to two instances – the bill which allows illegal college students to pay in-state tuition, and the recent CNN debate.
To make a statement such as the one the author makes, one must consider Perry’s complete previous stance on immigration, something Navarrete fails to incorporate this into his commentary.
Perry’s support for a ban on sanctuary cities, increased border patrol, opposition of the DREAM Act – all these tell a different story from Navarrete’s. On the issue of immigration, it cannot be said that Governor Perry has stable views. 

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