Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tuition Hikes

My classmate Megan Harlow writes on higher education tuition in her blog entry titled “Tuition Raises.” She comments on the decision many universities in Texas and the nation are taking to raise tuition. Through questioning, Harlow arrives at the conclusion that raising tuition in high education will discourage many prospective students from even considering attending a university. A solution, she says, rests in the students and their parents; rather than attending a four-year university upon high school graduation, it is possible to join the military, work until enough resources are gathered, or transfer from a community college. Even so, many students are left without the opportunity to live the college experience.
I agree that tuition raises may discourage many students from continuing in higher education. This week a tuition advisory panel at the University of Texas at Austin has recommended a 2.6% tuition increase for in-state undergraduate students, while out-of-state students may face a higher percentage. The news has unsettled many students, among them the “Occupy UT” group, who has voiced their concerns in the general assemblies. Though scholarships, grants, and loans are available, these options are not the first to present themselves to many of the already disadvantaged students. Often, students resort to a more available option, which for many happens to be meager paying jobs that frequently prove to be insufficient for a decent survival. While higher education is promoted without end, obtaining it has become a challenge for many, and surely increased tuition will have many thinking in a different direction.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

High School Drop Out Rates In Texas

Last semester marked the beginning of a new journey as I signed up to be a mentor with Austin Partners in Education, a non-profit organization of trained volunteer tutors and mentors. Several days into mentoring I learned of the desperate lives many Austin students live; my mentee, a 13 year old Hispanic girl is facing issues in and outside of school that divert her focus from school work. During our first mentoring session she admitted to a desire to end her education once out of middle school. Today the U.S. Department of Education estimates the Texas high school dropout rate at 28.1 percent, another estimate calculates the dropout rate to be closer to 35.5 percent, and these percentages increase in minority populations. These numbers reflect the struggle school officials face when it comes to maintaining students engaged in school, and with recent budget cuts to public schools, engagement will surely come at a greater cost.
After the $4 billion budget cuts in Texas, thousands of teachers were left unemployed while classrooms overcrowded with children. More children and fewer teachers amount to restricted attention per student, and decreased personal attention leads to lower performance in school work. The budget cuts prove to have a more pronounced effect on students facing issues beyond the academic field. Family and personal problems often make their way into school; this further aggravates the issue of academic competence, and in turn, many students feel compelled to drop out of school.
Dropout rates may seem irrelevant to the average Texas citizen, after all, it is not they who suffer minimum wage jobs, drug addictions, and unemployment; but each student who drops out of school costs the state $6-$10 billion over the student’s lifetime (Statesman).
It is imperative to find a solution to this problem. One possible solution is that of mentoring and tutoring programs, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters and Austin Partners in Education. When implemented correctly such programs are proven to be effective in reducing dropout rates and increasing academic performance. Webb Middle School witnessed an increase of commended 8th grade students from 6.8% to 22% in the 2010-2011 academic year, while nearly “half of 6th grade students in the Step-Up Reading passed the TAKS test for the first time ever” (APIE).
Evidence of the success of mentoring and tutoring programs is obvious. These programs benefit, not only students, but society as a whole. What is needed now is a greater number of schools engaging more of their students with volunteer mentors and tutors. Today my mentee has expressed interest, not only in attending high school, but college as well; she is even searching for scholarship opportunities.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Abstinance, An Overused Word

The importance of sexual education among middle and high school students is essential, not only to reduce teen pregnancy, but sexually transmitted diseases as well. My classmate, Eloisa, presents us with her blog entry titled “Teaching Abstinence “Plus”?” where she gives us some insight into the recently introduced sexual education program in Texas, whose purpose is to reduce pregnancy rates among teens by implementing a combination of techniques, including: abstinence and contraception use, whereas before the curriculum consisted of abstinence-only lecture. She makes reference to several outside sources which provide valuable information -such as statistics relating to teen pregnancy- and also gives her personal opinion on the matter. While Eloisa thoroughly summarizes the new curriculum, her opinion seems quite ambiguous; she states “Now for me and my two cents its [sic] seems as though teaching about condoms, birth control, and contraception is pushing the boundries [sic],” then later agrees that “the more we talk about [sex/contraception]  with preteens and inform them about it, the better.”
It is a difficult issue to tackle, so ambiguity is not uncommon. Among the factors motivating the various responses from communities in Texas, are religion, ethics, and the law. Texas does not require that schools teach sexual education, but when they do, what is taught is strictly regulated. Many schools have yet to adopt and implement the new curriculum, some continuing in their belief of an abstinence-only education despite clear evidence of its futility. Hesitation to educate students on contraception use and their rate of effectiveness leads many to believe schools are condoning sexual activity rather than teaching to refrain from it. Continuing to teach sexual education in fear will ultimately lead to an increase in teen pregnancy rates, it might even place Texas number one on the national leaderboard.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Caught in the Revolving Door

In Texas, jails and prisons have become synonymous with mental institutions. Psychologically ill persons are increasingly being placed in jails as a substitute for adequate mental health attention. As of today, an estimated 20% of inmates in Texas jails and prisons suffer from serious mental ailments such as: schizophrenia, maniac-depressive disorder, and major depression.

    "The Texas Health and Safety Code art. 571.003(14) defines mental illness as an illness, disease, or condition, other than epilepsy, senility, alcoholism, or mental deficiency, that: (A) substantially impairs a person's thought, perception of reality, emotional process, or judgment, or (B) grossly impairs behavior as demonstrated by recent disturbed behavior" (Attorney handbook).

In 2007 Texas was among seven of the selected states to participate in a research study aiming to determine the number of mentally ill individuals currently incarcerated. The study found that in Harris county Jail 17.3 percent of the inmates were on psychotropic medications. The costs of treating these individuals amounts to $87 million annually, and with reduced funding for treatment of mental health, the cost is certain to rise.
Current laws make it difficult to treat mental patients effectively, and in turn cost the state twice as much to keep a psychiatric inmate in jail than the average inmate. Money, however, is not the only thing at stake – psychological and physical health is also severely affected. Inmates suffering from mental illnesses are often the targets of other inmates, as they are more likely to become the victims of harassment and violent crimes. A jail has been proven to serve as the opposite of a therapeutic environment - where mental health declines and the possibility of relapsing increases. Indeed, a staggering number of prisoners return to jail after being released, most times after having committed the same crime, for which they are typically detained twice as long as others. This discouraging cycle is evident in most of the detainees. During their stay at jail, mental patients are treated separately, yet inefficiently with countless medications; this yet another cost to the state and its residents.
It is not simply an issue tax payers face, but psychiatric institutions as well. Since Legislature reduced mental health funding in 2004, jails and psychiatric institutions alike are experiencing overflowing capacity. Because the mental health sector has reduced funding, fewer personnel are able to tend to patients, leaving jail cells to function as hospital rooms, and sheriffs as psychotherapists. 
Prompt action is crucial to the wellbeing of truly mentally ill inmates; prolonging a solution is bound to give rise to progressively futile spending.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Austin With Cardboard

A spectacle is taking place across the nation as groups of people take to the streets with demands for a better country, improved economy, and, well, a whole lot more. Blogger Neil Aquino from the Texas Liberal is a supporter of the Occupy Wall Street movement which began in Washington D.C. on September 17th.  As a tax payer and voter in every election, he demands “a fair decent society where people can find a decent job and where everybody pays a fair share of the taxes we need to run our local, state and federal governments.” Directly below the blog’s title is the picture of a multitude of people, the focus being a woman holding a sign that reads “I WANT TO WORK.” By an analysis of the blog entry, it appears that the protesters’ main concern is the high unemployment rate in the United States, as well as in Texas. Aquino urges his online liberal readers to take part in the Occupy effort which is taking place, not only in Washington D.C., but in many cities across Texas. The author provides links to outside sources-including Facebook groups-which serve to provide supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement a common organizing medium. The author also provides his readers with links to his friends’ blogs, news articles relating to Perry, women’s health, and the presidential candidates.
Immediately upon attempting to read the blog, one is inundated with too many blue links to follow. The author fails to articulate his concerns in a thorough manner, but rather encourages his readers to support a cause which is explained through links leading to Facebook groups and blogs all advocating diverse issues. The reality is, the Occupy movement has gained momentum, yet this momentum relies on fear and worry. Citizens with concerns of the future are gathering demands of money and security from poverty. Granted, their stress is warranted, however, their list of requests is too broad to act on.
Many of their demands are irrational, even silly: free college education, one trillion dollars to restore forests, incarcerating Wall Street millionaires, investigations of the 9/11 terrorist attack, saving puppies, etc. Media sources have taken this as an opportunity to ridicule the supporters of Occupy Wall Street. FOX titles their news article “Read Demands of ‘OccupyWall Street’… and Try Not to Laugh,” while original supporters of the movement have a change of heart and decide to list all that is wrong with the demands. In Austin, the movement has sparked interest. People have gathered in City Hall holding cardboards supporting the Austin Police Department, and protesting against the New York Police Department; others ask CEOs to be paid $13.00 an hour; in school, students ask other students to walk out of class in protest saying “It’s your right.” Perhaps a more united front would produce enough credibility, but for now, their efforts amount to little more than a media sensation. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Navarrette on Perry and Immigration

Ruben Navarrete Jr. is a Latino columnist who bases the majority of his work on questions of ethnicity. His recent commentary discusses Rick Perry’s stance on immigration. The article reads “Perrystarts an honest immigration conversation.” The incorporation of the word “honest” in the title immediately directs Navarrete’s audience to take a hopeful stance on what follows. The article continues to speak on behalf of Perry and against the defective image his former Republicans and Latinos have of him.
As evidence of Perry’s good intentions, Navarrete points out the bill signed by Perry in 2001 which allows illegal immigrants attending a Texas university of college to pay in-state tuition. While critics accuse Perry of being “soft” on immigration issues, Navarrete defends him, stating he has had the courage to challenge a subject everyone else approaches with a “frightening mixture of dishonesty and ignorance.” Navarrete seems to be making the argument that Perry, through the passing of one bill, has provided enough evidence of his legitimacy. To strengthen his point, the author quotes Perry in the CNN debate where he defends illegal college students, saying it is only fair, and “the American way.”
Navarrete’s support for Perry is incredible and goes as far as to credit solely him for attempting to solve the immigration issue, while completely disregarding the efforts made by others, including Democrats. Evidence of Perry’s attempts is limited to two instances – the bill which allows illegal college students to pay in-state tuition, and the recent CNN debate.
To make a statement such as the one the author makes, one must consider Perry’s complete previous stance on immigration, something Navarrete fails to incorporate this into his commentary.
Perry’s support for a ban on sanctuary cities, increased border patrol, opposition of the DREAM Act – all these tell a different story from Navarrete’s. On the issue of immigration, it cannot be said that Governor Perry has stable views. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Perry's Supernatural Powers

As my very wise teacher pointed out, ever since Perry announced his candidacy, things in America have been going haywire. There was hurricane Irene which hit North Carolina, Virginia, and New Jersey, and flooded New York and Vermont; also the earthquake in DC (which half the nation claims to have felt). And now Perry's state has caught fire.
Does this mean God has a poor opinion of Perry? Probably not, but I do.

Anyway, goodnight. Pray the smoke doesn't suffocate you in your sleep.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Disabled Now More Vulnerable

On September 2, 2011 The Texas Tribune announced the million-dollar cuts the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services will be making. In an effort to extract savings for Texas and balance the budget, lawmakers agreed in May to put a cap on the services offered to the elderly and disabled. The plan calls for $31 million in cuts. Physical therapy, aquatic and horseback riding therapy programs will feel the greatest strain as they are considered non-essential therapies. Although clients can appeal, it will leave many of the disabled with limited resources and increasingly strenuous living conditions.
This article particularly interests me because I work with disabled youth in the H.E.L.P. Center of Austin, an equestrian program for aiding those suffering with different forms of disabilities, including: muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. It is important to support the disabled, and with the forthcoming reduction of services it will be a much more difficult task for caregivers. It seems lawmakers targeted the most vulnerable of the population.